Dead Air Dave is not a terrorist.
January 26, 2006 11:56 AM   Subscribe

Irritation: A radio saga. NSFW (language) Dead Air Dave is a New York Disc Jockey, (in)famous for being the man who hit the dump button on the Howard Stern show. An interesting look at a day in the life of an overnight radio DJ.
posted by super_not (4 comments total)
Dear Air Dave sucks and this video proves it. There's not one thing that's funny or original about the guy. 32 minutes of this? I made it through 4.

I think Dave made the mistake of thinking that because we were all willing to listen to Howard's gripe's (usually pretty hilarious) that somehow we want to listen to Dave's pathetic little drivel and that in turn is going to make him famous. He's lucky to have the KROCK job he has and will feel pretty dumb when he's working the evening shift at burger king. FM Radio may have held Howard back but Dave's held back by nothing but himself. Nobody cares who Dave is, he's just a footnote in the Howard story.
posted by Gankmore at 12:17 PM on January 26, 2006

Believe me, I have no love for the guy. I cursed his name more times than I can count. But the video was entertaining just as a "behind the scenes" of the night shift.
posted by super_not at 12:36 PM on January 26, 2006

I watched the whole thing. Not sure why. It never got funny, never did anything really. I don't listen to Howard, but I understand that they would need a censor for his show. This guy is just a pathetic slob of a DJ. Was this link posted by him or the guy making the film?
posted by inthe80s at 8:14 AM on January 27, 2006

I heard Dead-Air Dave talking about this on Howard the other day. He's pitching a show to Sirius where he would play music and bits of all the Howard shows from the day before. Yeah, it sounded as uninteresting as that. Although Howard seemed open to giving him some kind of air shift on satellite.
posted by haqspan at 9:53 AM on January 27, 2006

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